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Getting Rid of Cat Smell in Your Home


Thinks his pee smells like flowers. It doesn't.

Thinks his pee smells like flowers. It doesn’t.

This post is sponsored by petMD and ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™, and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about The petMD Cat Care Center, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ and petMD are not responsible for the content of this article.

Guest post by the Staff.

The last thing you want someone to notice when they walk in your home is the smell of a litter box. Heck, the last thing I want to notice when I walk into my own home is litter box smell! Fortunately with a bit of diligence and a few tricks, you can keep that odor at bay!

While a little air freshener or pretty candles might help short term, they aren’t going to solve your problem. You need to get to the source.

There are a couple of key places to focus on when ensuring the litter box smell stays in check.

The Litter Box

According to petMD the most important aspect is to keep the cat litter box fastidiously clean. Seriously. It’s not that hard to scoop a few times a day. Plus, the more frequently you check the box the less work it becomes each time.

And, by the way, your cat will appreciate it. Nothing will send your cat peeing or pooping elsewhere than an overflowing dirty litter box. Can you blame him?

Scoop the litter boxes at least once a day and I recommend more. And, of course, get the waste out of your house!

Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the litter box. Many people swear by this method to help minimize odors.

Change the kitty litter frequently. Experts’ recommendations vary but I think it’s optimal to change it completely a couple of times a month to really keep odors under control. Also, each time you change the litter, wash out the box with mild soap and water.

Clump and SealChoose an odor fighting litter like lightweight ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™. There’s a unique technology that forms a tight seal around odor and destroys it with powerful odor eliminators and ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda. Get a $2 off coupon here.

Also, replace boxes completely once a year, or more frequently. No matter how well you wash them, over time, plastic boxes can trap bacteria and begin to smell.

Check out these DIY litter box area fresheners from petMD.

Outside the Litter Box

You may not realize your cat is choosing somewhere other than the litter box to do his business until you stumble upon a favorite pee spot behind the couch, for example.

Don’t make him get creative with his potty spots.

There are a few reasons a cat might poop or pee outside his box. First, take him to the vet. There are a number of medical issues that could be the cause.

A dirty litter box might be the cause. Or, your cat might not like the litter, the depth of litter. The box might be too small. Check out petMD’s resource center for additional reasons your cat might be avoiding the litter box.

Do a check of your carpets, walls and furniture to make sure your cat has not been marking them or using them as his personal potty. Then, use an enzymatic cleaner to clean. If he keeps going there after you’ve cleaned, you may have no choice but to pitch the items. Cats can smell their own scent better than we can so even if you don’t smell it, your cat might still think, “here’s where I go pee!” Focus your attention on the cat litter box, stay on top of it and make it a daily habit and you and your cat will be much happier!

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Wylla’s Cataloons


The other day, when I posted a video of Wylla on a walk, someone requested to see a little more of Wylla’s adorable kitten pants, AKA, pantaloons, AKA Cataloons.

I tried this weekend to capture the pants, but it’s not easy shot to get. It requires getting down on the floor with the camera just as the subject is exiting the room, or catching them while they’re standing, and cats rarely just stand there, they prefer sitting.

After a weekend of failures, I decided to comb the photo archive and found only one shot of Wylla’s

Here it is.


I’ll keep trying to get more, and hopefully will a little cooperation on her “end” we will get one.

: )

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